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We design experiences that do good to the earth, to you and to its inhabitants.

All our plans are created in collaboration with the local community.


Hoy queremos contarte sobre las redes de las que hacemos parte y los reconocimientos con que hemos sido galardonados  gracias a nuestro compromiso con la calidad de nuestras experiencias Turisticas.

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Otorgado por nuestro aporte
a la construcción de una cultura de paz y promover el turismo responsable

Nos brinda acceso a capacitaciones sobre los temas y eventos mas importantes del sector Turistico en Colombia.

Nos brinda acceso a capacitaciones sobre los temas y eventos mas importantes del sector Turistico en Colombia.

Why travel with us?

We are a curious and diverse mix of cooks, fishermen, farmers, teachers, entrepreneurs and travelers, all united by a mission:


To preserve and share the culture and nature of Colombia's La Guajira.

Home: Testimonials

Our travelers sing and tell...

"We are visiting Colombia for the first time and this has been an amazing experience that we will never forget."

Abraham, Lara y Stella

"I really enjoyed these four days with the Foundation. Very good experience."

Clara Caloren

"We found human quality. People who are passionate about their work and who also do it with a lot of love. Anyone who dares to come here will find a home".

María Reyes

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